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(Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners)

1. Who are eligible to avail the facility of Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners ?
The facility is available for the citizens availing social security pension under National Social Assistance Programme ( NSAP ) administered by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
2. What is Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners ?
'Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners' is a biometric enabled Aadhaar-based Digital Life Certificate for Social Security pensioners. It is generated for individual social pensioners using his/her Aadhaar number, Beneficiary-Id and Biometrics.
3. Can Service Pensioners, Family Pensioners avail this facility ?
No, they cannot avail this facility. Service Pensioners, Family Pensioners are requested to refer to https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in for generation/submission of Digital Life Certificate for Service Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
4. How or from where can I obtain the Digital Life Certificate for SSP ?
The DLC can be generated on a Android Mobile by using the SSP-DLC app. The app can be downloaded from https://sspdlc.nic.in. The app works using Aadhaar based face/finger print / iris biometric authentication. In case using fingerprint/iris authentication an external biometric device as specified by UIDAI is required to be connected to the android mobile where as if using Face Authentication no external biometric Device is required. The app also requires ‘RD service’ for face/finger/iris authentication.
5. What are the requirements for using the SSP-DLC app?
I. If using fingerprint/Iris authentication, an external biometric device as specified by UIDAI is required and the ‘RD service’ of the biometric device being used is also required.

II. If using face authentication Aadhaar Face RD service is required which can be downloaded from google play store.

III. Android Mobile/Tablet requirements
  a. Android 8.0 or above (Un-rooted device)
  b. RAM 4+ GB
  c. Minimum 500 MB free storage
  d. Camera Resolution - 5MP or greater ( in case using Face Authentication )

IV. Internet connectivity
6. Is an external biometric device a must for using the SSP-DLC app for generationg DLC?
No, external biometric device is not a must. Face authentication can be used if you do not have a biometric device.
7. From where can I obtain Aadhaar Face RD service ? Is it Free?
Aadhaar Face RD service can be obtained from Google Play Store. Open Google Play Store and search for AadharFaceRD. AadhaarFaceRD service is free.
8. From where can I obtain RD service of Biometric device. Is it free ?
The RD service of biometric device is available on Google Play Store or the specific biometric devices’ website. RD service of biometric device is not free.
9. How to use the app for generating DLC?
Please refer to user-manual available on https://sspdlc.nic.in. The user-manual can be downloaded from https://sspdlc.nic.in/misc/flowdownload
10. Do I have to physically submit a copy of Digital Life Certificate to the Authorities ?
No, you do not have to submit it physically, as it is automatically made available to the concerned authority.
11. What information is required to be provided by a pensioner to generate the Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners ?
The Pensioner has to provide Aadhaar Number, Mobile Number , Welfare Program under which drawing social security pension. The pensioner also has to provide his/her biometrics for Iris or Fingerprint or Face Authentication.
12. I have generated the Digital Life Certificate for SSP , but do not have a hard-copy of it. How can I get it ?
After you have generated the Digital Life Certificate for Social Security Pensioners then provide your pramaan-id or beneficiary-id in the following link https://sspdlc.nic.in/ppouser/login to download/view the DLC. OR you can use the SSP-DLC app to download/view the DLC
13. Is the Pramaan-Id i.e Digital Life Certificate for SSP valid for Life ?
No, a Pramaan Id or Digital Life Certificate is not valid for life. A new Digital Life Certificate with new pramaan Id has to be generated as and when specified by the Pension Processing Authority
14. How is this different from traditional Life Certificate issued by Government Officers ?
The person is not required to present himself/ herself personally before the Government Officer. The Digital Life Certificate does not have to be submitted physically to concerned authority as it is available to them digitally and is automatically processed by the Pension Processing Authority. Also each DLC has a unique id called the Pramaan-Id.
15. Is Digital Life Certificate a must for the social security pensioners ?
No it is not mandatory, it is an add on facility to the already existing ways of submission of a Life Certificate.